Tradicional Chinese Medicine – Immunity – Part 2

Hello Readers!-

In the last text I wrote about the reasons why certain situations harm our immunity. Now is the time to write a text about how we can improve our immunity with the resources that Chinese Medicine offers us:

Acupuncture Points – World Acupuncture Federation Guidelines
The World Federation of Acupuncture, at the beginning of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) crises, issued a statement to acupuncturists talking about the effectiveness of some acupuncture points that collaborate in improving the immune system, given their functions described below. The following were cited: LI-4, PC-6, SP-6, ST-36, VC-6 and CV-4.

  • LI-4: has action to regulate Wei Qi (defense energy)
  • PC-6: moves chest Qi
  • SP-6: strengthens the Spleen (organ responsible for Gu Qi, which is the raw material for defense Qi)
  • ST-36: regulates Wei Qi, expels the wind
  • CV-6: strengthens the original Qi (which circulates in the meridians)
  • CV-4: roots the mind (shen), nourishes the blood

These points must be done at least once a week with needles. If not possible, it is recommended that they are stimulated with moxa at least once a week. If the patient has more time available, he can use it every other day.

It is important that in this moment of crisis, the therapist can teach patients how to self-apply moxa, thus, they will be collaborating not only to improve the immunity of the patient himself, but also of his family members.

About therapeutic food, we already talked about in the last post, but it is worth remembering that neutral foods from the Earth, Metal and Water tables are good allies in strengthening immunity. The tables can be found at the link:

Auriculotherapy can also be an ally in improving immunity. Ping Chuan points are particularly important in caring for the immune system. One is located inside the triangular fossa and the other in the antitrago region. In addition to Ping Chuan, it is considered important to place Shenmen, Kidney, Sympathetic, Spleen, Lung and the Anxiety point in case the patient is feeling particularly tense.

Using 10 drops of propolis dissolved in a glass of water once a day and consuming a small portion of royal jelly (the size of a soy bean under your tongue) every day for at least a month will keep your immunity strong.

We need to understand that often, the best way to attack is to defend ourselves.

I hope the text was helpful.

A big hug to everyone.

Profa. Fernanda Mara

Tradicional Chinese Medicine – Immunity – Part 1

Good morning Readers

In times of pandemic, there is an urgent discussion on how we can improve our immunity to prevent the spread of opportunistic diseases. Everyone knows that maintaining a good diet, sleeping well, avoiding emotional stress and engaging in moderate physical activity are Western Medicine recommendations.

Chinese medicine basically follows the same recommendations and has precise explanations for each one, in addition to offering the possibility of treatment for each of the situations, as we will see below:

  1. Good nutrition
    In Chinese Medicine the main organs related to immunity are: Spleen, Lung and Kidney:
    – Spleen: produces Gu Qi, that is, the essence of food. The Spleen receives the food digested by the Stomach and transforms it into the energetic part of the food that will serve as raw material in the formation of the defense energy, known as immunity, in Oriental Medicine.

– Lung: receives Gu Qi from the Spleen and Qi from the air. With the sum of these two energies, it transforms into Wei Qi (Defense Qi). When the defense Qi is good, the patient’s immunity is good. If the Lung lacks energy to transform Wei Qi or the Spleen to form Gu Qi, the patient will suffer from low immunity.

– Kidney: it is the basis of vital energy. Distributes energy to all organs and viscera. Low Kidney energy may reflect low energy for all organs, that is, decrease the production of food and defense energies, mentioned above.

In addition, the Deficiency of Kidney energy, by law of 5 Elements, will consume the energy of the Lung, leaving it weak, preventing the production of Wei Qi.

In this way, foods that strengthen these organs are indicated. Neutral foods are suggested in the therapeutic feeding tables, found at the link:

Choose foods that you like and consume at least one of each table per day.

2. Sleep well

– Sleep, in general, restores the energies of our body. Sleeping well and waking up rested ensures that the kidney preserves our vital energy. When we spend long periods without sleeping well, or being able to sleep, but waking up tired, we have an additional expenditure of the Kidney Yin energy.
When there is Kidney Yin Deficiency, we cause internal heat, with long-term dryness of fluids, especially Lung Yin energy.
-As previously explained, when the Kidney is weak, it consumes the energy of the Lung (Law of the 5 Elements) impairing immunity.
-To sleep better, consider using points: Yintang, PC-6 and SP-6.
-To improve the quality of sleep, black sesame and jasmine teas can be used.
-In auriculotherapy, Anxiety, Tension and Heart points can be used.

3. Avoid emotional stress

-Emotional stress can cause internal imbalance in all organs. In general, Liver is the most affected when we refer to stress itself and also due to irritability, frustration and impatience.
-When the Liver Yang rises, due to the insult cycle of the 5 elements, there is a Lung Deficiency, which will be impaired in the production of Wei Qi.
-Therefore, we must avoid stress, however, when we find ourselves stressed, we must use points LR-2 and LR-3.
-In auriculotherapy, Liver Yang and Emotional Tension are indicated.
-Blackberry leaf tea and lemon water are great for reducing liver heat.

4. Practice moderate physical activities

-Moderate physical activity is one that does not cause extreme tiredness, but it is enough to keep the body warm, the blood vessels dilated and a harmonious flow of Qi and Blood.
-It is suggested that this activity take place for 30 to 40 minutes, 3x a week. It can be walking, Yoga, sit-ups, weight training, that is, any physical activity that pleases the individual.
-By avoiding the stagnation of Qi and Blood, the organs are well nourished and avoid any kind of pathology.
-If you feel very tired doing physical activity, it is suggested that you do it for less time. Massage for 3 minutes, bilateral at points ST-36 and Ki-1 will help with the disposition.
-Ginger and cinnamon teas will help the circulation of Qi and Blood.

Following these tips, we will be in agreement with Western Medicine in terms of preventing the loss of immunity.

We will continue debating this subject in another text on how to increase immunity!

A big hug to everyone!

Profa. Fernanda Mara

Wei Qi – The Defense Energy

Good morning readers

Today we’re going to talk a little bit about Wei Qi: The Defense Energy.

Known as the energy that protects the body, Wei Qi can be understood in Western medicine as that which represents immunity, the body’s ability to defend itself from external pathogenic factors.

Wei Qi is produced by the Lung, however, its raw material comes from digestion by the Stomach and Spleen. The Stomach has the function of ripening and decomposing the digested foods, while the Spleen will transform the digested foods into Gu Qi, known as “the essence energy of the food”.

Thus, the Gu Qi produced by the Spleen will reach the Lung, where, together with the Air energy, it will become Wei Qi.

Wei Qi (defense energy) will circulate through the surface of the skin, a place known as the “Cou Li” space (space between the skin and the muscles) and when it is strong, it will defend the body from invasions of cold, humidity, heat, wind and dryness. With a strong Wei Qi, the individual will not get sick.

Wei Qi’s circulation is particularly notable. According to Ling Shu, its circulation starts in the Bladder meridian, in the eyes region, following the following sequence:

During the day (circulates 25 times in the viscera) → from BI1 to B67 → SI19 to SI1 (Tai Yang levels) → GB1 to GB44 → SJ23 to SJ1 (ShaoYang levels) → from ST1 to ST45 → LI20 to LI1 (Yang Ming levels)

** circulations occur separately at each Energy Level

During the night (circulates in the organs) → Kidney → Heart → Lung → Liver → Spleen → Kidney.

This means that during the day our viscera and the posterior region of the body are more protected than the organs. And at night, the opposite happens, the organs and the region of the body are more protected than the viscera.

This circulation of Qi justifies why it is so easy to get a cold when, at night, the Yang meridians are unprotected and we take wind in the back, for example.

In order to keep Wei Qi good during the day, we need to nourish the organs, so good nutrition and rest should be part of the daily routine.

Two points are particularly important in maintaining Wei Qi, the SP6 and the LU9. SP6 is important because it has the action of improving immunity and LU9 for its function of direct Lung toning. Keeping Wei Qi strong is keeping the body disease-free 🙂

I hope you enjoyed!

A big hug!

Profa. Fernanda Mara