Menstrual Cramps Treatment in Chinese Food Therapy

Good morning readers,

Today we are going to talk about a frequent topic: menstrual cramps.

I have already written about this topic on other occasions, however, today we are going to use the Chinese Food Therapy approach. What shall we eat to avoid such uncomfortable pain, before, during, and after our periods?

First, before we get our food chart, we must first remember the types of cramps and its causes, according to Chinese Medicine.

  1. Abdominal Cramping:

Abdominal cramping is usually marked by Liver imbalances that occur mainly previous to the period.

  • There are 2 common Liver imbalances when we are talking about menstrual cramps, they are:
  1. a) Qi Stagnation and/or Liver’s Blood:

Usually this menstruation has dark blood and clots and may, eventually be late. The cramping will worsen under pressure and/or massage and usually will go away as soon as the period ends. To be sure of the diagnosis, we just need to verify if the patient’s tongue sides are purplish.

This being the case, we need foods that give blood more movement and Liver energy, for this reason, it’s recommended that the patient eat neutral and lukewarm foods for the Wood element, such as: grapes, plums, dates, camomilla tea and even a glass of wine.

  1. b) Yang Excess or Liver Heat:

Few days after Qi and Blood Stagnation, the Heat arises in the body, in an attempt of eliminating the stagnations. In such a case, period can come early, or blood comes out in a lively red, no clots and cramps shall happen previous or during period, in an acute manner, throbbing pain.

In order to be completely sure of the diagnosis, we check the patient’s tongue once again, this time observing if it’s redder on the sides when compared to the rest.

In this situation, we shall refresh Liver Heat and control Yang energy. Therefore, it is recommended that the patient eat cold and fresh foods for the Wood element, such as: lemon, yogurt, banana, blackberry, blueberry, etc…

  1. Lumbar Cramping

Lumbar cramping is a direct result from a Kidneys Yin Deficiency. In such cases, pain may happen during or after the period, the blood might come out normal or in a scarce and dark manner.

The patient’s tongue coating might look a bit peeled, through the body but mostly on the root.

If this is the case, remembering that Yin energy comes from a cold nature, we shall recommend fresh and cold foods from the Water element, such as: tangerine, orange, asparagus, watermelon, etc. Sesame black tea is also a good option for treating this cramp type.

When should the patient start her treatment?

Aware of the cramps possibilities, the patient shall start consuming foods that avoid them, around 3 days prior to its usual begging. However, treatment may be done during all month without causing any health damage.

It’s always good to keep in mind that ideally the patient should know her cycle and take notes on a notebook or app, so that the treatment accuracy brings benefits.

You can find the complete chart here:

Hope that you liked it!

A very warm hug!

Profa. Fernanda Mara